City Council Meeting 12/19/18
The City Council met on the 19th to finish out the responsibilities of the year in a very brief meeting.
The meeting was called to order at 5:00pm right on the dot with ALL 5 COUNCILORS PRESENT! Thank you again to Craig Schulte for stepping up and taking the vacant position on the Council!
There were no members of the public present, so the open forum (public comment) was opened and then closed for the night.
The Consent Agenda was populated by the usual three things (Approval of the meeting agenda, approval of the previous meeting minutes, and approval of payment of bills), was moved for approval and was approved unanimously.
There were two other items on the agenda, all being logistical necessities for the year-end.
The first was a resolution setting the cost of living adjustment (COLA) pay adjustments to the City's non-union workers. This past year the City renegotiated a two year contract with the City employee Union (AFSCME) that set the COLA increase for 2019 at 3%. Since supervisors are not union employees, there needs to be another action taken to extend the same treatment to them. This resolution takes care of that. It was motioned, seconded, and passed unanimously.
The final item on the agenda was the last logistical requirement of the Council for the year. This is the setting of the Final City Tax Levy collectible in 2019. As reported in the Budget/Levy Hearing at the previous meeting, the Council and Administration were able to reduce the Preliminary Levy from a 5.99% increase to the Final Levy of 2.72% or $959,021.32. This was brought to the community at the hearing last meeting and there was no public comment so the motion was made tonight to approve the final levy, it was seconded, and passed unanimously.
Following that the Council chose to delay Council and Staff Reports due to the fact that there was only one week between meetings and the meeting was adjourned.
As always, please let me know if you have any questions.
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